What is stillness?

In the Holy Bible, Psalm 46:10, we are advised “Be still and know I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.“

This is my life verse. It is a reminder for me to turn away from everything else that will distract me and, in quiet contemplation, rely solely on God. To be still, to get quiet, and to know that He is in control. He is the great I am, the king of all kings, the alpha and the omega, the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God. And every nation will come to know this and exalt him.

We are so distracted in these times. We go to Google instead of God for answers. We seek to avoid the emotions that God has given us to alert us to situations in which we must take action. We focus more on distraction and entertainment than on the one who created us. No wonder mental health issues are on the rise and we all feel frustrated, overwhelmed, uneasy, and anxious. 

We look for answers from friends, family, the entertainment industry, sports icons, social media and even politicians. Instead, we must look to God, who is all knowing, who is in control and has ALL of our answers. And to hear those answers, in the still small voice of God  (not an audible voice, but a spiritual voice) we must Be Still. We must get quiet, alone, and undistracted. To some, this is torture. But through practice we can find refuge in this still space.

So how do we DO stillness? First, we must STOP 

  • stop striving

  • stop struggling

  • stop stressing

  • stop substituting

  • stop self-medicating

  • stop texting

  • stop talking

  • stop tackling

  • stop touching

  • stop tv

  • stop tensing

  • stop trippin’

Not forever, but for a short time each day.

Like the quiet, still waters of Psalm 23, we must get quiet and Be Still. In THAT place, we can hear Him better. We can see His hand more clearly. We can know.

We can follow Christ's example. There are several instances in the Bible, where our Lord Jesus Christ shows us how to be still. He left the disciples, his family and the crowds to go to a quiet place, alone.

For us, it may not be a desert, a peaceful valley or a forest. It does not have to be a church or a special meditation space. It doesn’t have to be the same place every day. You don’t have to wear special clothes. You don’t need a special pillow or mat, a candle, a gong or a singing bowl.

Just as you are, find a quiet space where you can be alone for a time of your choosing. Then quietly, silently BE. 



Jaime Lindsey

Handmade gemstone jewelry that inspires you to find stillness everyday.


What’s your purpose?


Origin: Still Jai Studio