What’s your purpose?

Spoiler alert: It’s NOT about YOU! Short answer: You are here for others. So much of the rhetoric in our society promotes the idea that we should focus on ourselves. It seems in the last 10 years or so, especially as social media has thrived, we’ve been told to put a filter on our lives, take photos of every moment, post constantly then wait for the approval from anyone. When we’re not completely absorbed in the social media biosphere, we should mindlessly numb ourselves with streaming content then take a bubble bath or get a massage to practice “self-care”. Oh, and don’t forget to take a getaway to a lovely AirBnB, on occasion . All this makes YOU the focus of your life. I know it may sound strange to some, but “It’s NOT about you”.

I’ve realize again, and again, that each of us is here on the earth NOT for our own fulfillment/comfort/focus/plan or purpose. God Almighty has a plan and purpose for each life. And, it starts with the realization that He is God and God alone. We are here to be the hands and feet of God. To share some of the gifts, talents and resources we have with the world, for the glory of God. The Bible says, in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…” Esphesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

You see, God knows our purpose and how best we can live out our lives within His will. So what does that look like from a day-to-day? Prayer, planning, confirmation and action. Sounds simple, and it is, but it’s NOT always easy. My fear and selfishness almost allowed me to stay in the shadows. To keep my skills, talents and gifting to myself. To stay small and enjoy my creativity alone or with only a small circle of friends and family.

As a child, God placed people in my path to nurture and encourage me to share my gifts. I stepped out of shyness, still in fear, and began to sing at church. After many, many years of singing and leading worship at multiple churches, for thousands of people, I decide to shift my focus to my art. I worked quietly, alone until God again sent someone to encourage me to show my work. I’m so thankful that God knows our needs better than we do.

Again, years later, a major life change caused me to question my direction and try to go back to the safety and solitude of my studio. But God continued to nudge me and give me a restlessness until, finally, I decided to step out into the light again. I knew I still had gifts and talents to offer the world, to His honor and glory, but the direction was unclear for awhile. As I began to take a step, pray and look for God’s leading, the path became clearer.

What is it that only YOU can bring to the world? You are uniquely gifted, uniquely placed within time and space for God’s purpose. He will guide you, if you ask. Pray, then take a step. Be still and listen for His voice.



Jaime Lindsey

Handmade gemstone jewelry that inspires you to find stillness everyday.


Making memories


What is stillness?