Origin: Still Jai Studio

After a major life change, while in sadness, shame, uncertainty and disappointment, I felt a longing to make my creativity more of a focus of my life. Inspired by my faith, I chose to move forward with my new life by starting Still Jai Studio.

I must create to breathe. My creativity is an expression of my faith in God, the inspiration I find in nature and my need to connect to others. Our God is creative and we, as humans, are creative. To ignore, surpress or stifle this longing is to be less human. To create beauty is to mirror God. For me, creating by hand is a meditative act of worship. I hope every person has opportunities to express creativity, everyday.

The choice of the name, Still Jai Studio, has a double meaning. After some major challenges of life, I'm still me, still myself and God is still faithful. Secondly, as a high-energy person, someone always on the move, busy, doing, I need a reminder to follow God's word from Psalm 46:10 which says, "Be still and know I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." God tells us that we should quiet our minds, and know that He is God, not us. He is in control, He is sovereign and He will be exalted by every nation in the times to come.

Jai, pronounced "J", is my nickname. So there you have it -- Still Jai Studio. I hope you join me on this journey of creativity and stillness. I'm here to inspire, share and connect. May God bless us all.




What is stillness?