Still Beautiful

I feel beautiful today. I see myself as beautiful not because the world says so, not because I have every hair in place or my make-up just right, not because I have achieved a perfect weight or optimum state of health, not because I have on my best clothes or stand perfectly straight, not because I have my finances in order, not because I “have it all together” in any area. I feel beautiful, today, because I AM. Because I feel most myself. Because God says I am His, I am worthy of His love because of Christ’s sacrifice for humanity. I’m beautiful.

When I allow myself to be still, to separate from the normal busyness of my life, I allow myself to feel. Try it! Find a quiet place, sit down or lie down, breathe deeply and be still. Listen to the sounds around you, observe what’s around you, smell the air, feel the ground/chair/floor/bed supporting you and just Be Still. Here is where you can take a minute to just BE.

Each of us, no matter our appearance, no matter our clothing, our level of health, our station in life, our socio-economic status... is still beautiful. We are beautiful because God created us. Because God is beautiful. Because all of his creations are beautiful. And because we are his creation, we are beautiful.

I pray, today, you feel beautiful.

Still, Jai

Jaime Lindsey

Handmade gemstone jewelry that inspires you to find stillness everyday.

Peace, be still


Stillness….with open hands