Peace, be still

Peace, Be Still

In the Biblical account of Christ's miracle on the sea of Galilee, the disciples were in a boat with Jesus travelling across the sea. After very busy days, the Lord was tired and so was asleep in the stern of the boat, as the disciples navigated. A violent storm came up and the disciples were afraid the boat would capsize and they would all drown. They struggled on their own for a time, but the circumstances were dire. They knew that Jesus could handle the situation so they woke him. I imagine they were surprised he could sleep through such a storm and were probably even more surprised at His response.

In this region, the sea of Galilee was known for high winds and storms. Violent, sudden storms were not uncommon. Yet Christ, in His divinity, commanded the winds to cease and the waves to be calm. And, in a moment,  it was so. Only God, only Christ, only the powerful creator of the winds and the sea could command them. Commands from the creator to His creation.

Jesus rebuked the wind and told the waves, “Peace! Be still!” and then there was absolute calm.  (Mark 4:35-39 NIV)

During the storms of my life, I often thrash about searching for solutions in my own strength. Like the disciples in the boat with Christ, I say to him, “How can you sleep at a time like this?”.  Circumstances can be tumultuous, stressful, frightening and overwhelming. In those times, I go to the Lord. Only He can calm the circumstance and my anxious heart and mind. Only He can say “Peace.  Be still!” and result in absolute calm. Oh, that I would realize much sooner that I can’t handle the storm without Him. How much more peace I would have if I would “wake Him” through prayer and ask Him to handle it.

In those storms, when I am still, it doesn’t always mean the storm is over. It doesn’t mean that the circumstances end the way that I want them to. It just means that I have to trust that God. God alone is in control. He’s got my back. He sees me. He knows me. And he has my best interest in his heart.

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” - Psalm 46:10

Stop! Surrender your will and know, recognize, acknowledge that God is almighty, all powerful, all knowing and in control of the world and every life in it. There is peace in surrendering to His will. Trust that He loves you. Find peace in the stillness.

If you’re going through a storm right now, take your concerns to the Lord. In prayer, pour out your heart to Him and then, in faith, Be Still.



Jaime Lindsey

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