Gratitude Everyday

Gratitude Everyday

Psalm 136:1 

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good,

    for His mercy endures forever.

Each day, I wake in gratitude. It’s something that I learned from my mother, Helen, a very wise woman. Each morning, I’m thankful that I wake up, and I know the name of the Lord. Each morning, I’m thankful for the love of a God that would give up his only son on my behalf. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of Christ’s sacrifice that restored me to a right relationship with God. 

Not only for the spiritual blessings, but also for the tangible things, too. I’m grateful I feel safe and warm and dry and sheltered. I’m thankful for the sounds of my husband sleeping beside me and the love we share. I’m thankful for our children and grandchildren, for our home and jobs and food….

Many times,  I journal about my feelings of gratitude. And a funny thing happens. Once I start listing things I’m grateful for, I can hardly stop. In the Bible, the Lord tells us there is power in gratitude, and thanksgiving. This instruction is not only about the respect we owe our Lord God, but also about the blessing that gratitude is TO US. For it’s in gratitude that we receive a special gift. And as we are grateful to the Lord and praise him – – well, there’s an old expression, “When praises go up, blessings come down”. And it’s true.

I learned through wise teaching that gratitude is powerful, especially when life is challenging. Gratitude can change your perspective and your mood. Starting your day in gratitude and prayer sets your mind in a positive place. And prepares your spirit for what you will face - good, bad or indifferent.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

November is the month of Thanksgiving. Not just the holiday but our social consciousness turns to gratitude. I dare say, it’s our theme-of-the-month. It’s a month in which we think a lot about relationships and reconnecting. We plan getting together to share meals and traditions with family and friends. And we think about both the joys and the stresses of those gatherings. We start to think about gift-giving too, as Christmas is fast approaching. We search for ways to show gratitude to the people that mean the most to us.

So I say “Welcome” to the month of gratitude. May these feelings of thanksgiving, that seem to be pervasive in our culture this month, permeate our hearts and minds throughout the entire year.

I’m grateful for YOU. May your heart be full with gratitude today, and always. 



Jaime Lindsey

Handmade gemstone jewelry that inspires you to find stillness everyday.



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